There is a strong financial argument for using seamless aluminium gutters to collect rainwater falling onto your roof.  For a similar initial outlay, it will last longer, require less maintenance, and add value to your property.  It will also be better for the environment when compared to uPVC alternatives.

When choosing products to enhance your home, there are often three points to consider;

  • What does it cost today?
  • Does it add value to my home?
  • What will it cost in the future?

Mustang seamless gutters are cost-comparable to uPVC alternatives.  In order to demonstrate this, a survey was conducted in 2017, where over 130 installers were asked to price given property examples in aluminium seamless gutters and uPVC.  The average of the results showed that the upfront cost of installing Mustang guttering was within 5%-7% of the cost of installing plastic gutters.

Electing to choose an aluminium gutter system over plastic will add value to your home.  Having better “curb appeal” than the house next door will make your property more desirable.  The fact that your property has something different will inevitably lead to questions from potential buyers.

Any HomeBuyer Report may highlight defects with rainwater goods, as these defects can lead to damage to the fabric of the building.  Choosing to install Mustang Seamless gutters with its certified 30 year+ maintenance-free period protects your investment.

ARP’s Mustang Seamless offering is certified by the British Board of Agrément (BBA) to require minimal maintenance over its 30+ year lifespan.  Therefore, installing it today is a one-time cost or investment in your property.   The same cannot be said of traditional uPVC alternatives.

Over the course of 30 years, a uPVC rainwater system may need to have joints replaced, fade in colour, or become brittle and require replacement.  The cost of replacement will not only have to include more plastic gutter but also additional scaffolding and labour costs.  This makes the cost of uPVC guttering 3-4 times the price of seamless aluminium over the 30-year period.

Installing Mustang Seamless gutters on you home makes good sense!

  • Aluminium seamless gutters can be installed for a very similar initial cost to uPVC gutters.
  • Mustang gutters will add value to your property
  • Fitting seamless gutter on your property will be a one-time cost for the life of the product.
  • The cost of plastic guttering can be up 3-4 times more than aluminium seamless gutters

Find out more about the environmental benefits of aluminium.


Aluminium Seamless Gutters vs uPVC Gutters – Lifetime Cost Comparison

Cost of Fitting Aluminium Seamless Gutters - Lifetime Cost Comparison of Seamless Aluminium Gutters vs uPVC

Seamless Enquiry Form

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