No. 1 of 10 Reasons to Choose Seamless Aluminium Gutters
Seamless gutters don’t leak
Seamless gutters are manufactured on-site to the exact measurements of the building in a single length so there are no joints along the length where leaks can occur.
Once you have found your approved contractor and arrange a suitable time, they will arrive at site with everything they require to complete the install.
The process starts when the pre-coloured aluminium flat coil is fed through the gutter machine. A series of rollers then manipulate the metal into the gutter shape and continuous lengths, of up to 30m, exits the machine and then are cut to length, ready to be installed. Regardless of how long your house is, most installations will not have any joints along the length.
These lengths are then taken to roof level where they are combined with the leak-free corners and outlets and secured in place to the building.
This whole process is very quick and is certified by the British Board of Agrément to last in excess of 30 years.